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Royal recognition for UAL design teaching

*** 同カレッジのMA Industrial Design 2年生のGen Wakabayashiさんも大喜び ***

2013年11月の内示に伴い、先日バッキンガム宮殿においてロンドン芸術大学に英国女王賞(Queen's Anniversary Prize)が授与されました。この授与式典にはセントマーチンズの学部長Jonathan Barratt氏とロンドン芸大副総長Nigel Carrington氏のほかに学生代表としてMA Industrial Design 2年の Gen Wakabayashi さんが列席しました。


セントマーチンズ、プロダクト・セラミック工業デザイン部門のディレクターであるNick Rhodes氏は喜びを次のように語っています。


事実、卒業生たちの貢献により私共のコースはこの分野において世界のどこの国のどの学校のコースよりも多くのRoyal Designersを輩出している……」

…… 彼のコメントの続きと授与式の様子、現役学生チームの喜びの様子については以下をごらんください。

UAL staff have paid a visit to Buckingham Palace to officially receive the Queen’s Anniversary Prize – awarded as part of the honours system to recognise outstanding teaching and research in UK universities.

Jonathan Barratt, Dean for Development and Quality at CSM (foreground), and Vice-Chancellor Nigel Carrington accept the award

The University receives the award for seventy five years of product and industrial design teaching at Central Saint Martins that has produced game-changing ideas from laptop computers to the Routemaster bus.

First taught in 1938 as Design for Light Industry, the subject has evolved to focus as much on tackling social, environmental and quality of life issues as on developing new products.

Welcoming the recognition, which was announced in November 2013, Programme Director of Product, Ceramic and Industrial Design at CSM, Nick Rhodes, said: “We have taught product and industrial design here since the 1930s, and our alumni and lecturers continue to lead the profession, shaping the designed environment internationally, crossing all sectors from consumer electronics to furniture, transport systems to domestic appliances, services to social enterprise. In fact, our undergraduate offering has produced more Royal Designers for Industry in this discipline than any other course in the world.


“At Central Saint Martins we have always striven to produce product and industrial design graduates with great skill and creative ambition, people who will make real and positive impact in the world, and it is absolutely fantastic to be recognised for our achievement by this incredibly prestigious award which identifies our work and the profound impact of our discipline on the creative economy of the United Kingdom and beyond.”

Back Row: Philip Broadhead, John Sorrell, Nick Rhodes

Middle: Nigel Charrington, Jonathan Barratt,
Front Students: Upsana Simha (MAID 1), Ella Dorfman (BAPD 3), Gen Wakabayashi (MAID 2), Kaye Toland (BAPD 1), Kiki Lam (BAPD 2)

Nigel Carrington, Vice-Chancellor of University of the Arts London, added:

“I’m delighted for our staff, students and graduates that our excellence in industrial and product design has been recognised in this way. What they do fundamentally changes how we experience the world – how we communicate and socialise, how we work, how we engage politically, what our homes look and feel like. It’s this applied creativity that underpins all sectors of the UK economy, generates employment and attracts investment. I’m very proud that UAL is at the heart of it.”

Engagement with the creative and wider industries is a fundamental part of the courses, and students learn through working on live briefs with real clients. Projects have included working with Transport for London on reducing bicycle theft through better design to partnering with the London Borough of Camden on its Green Camden initiative to explore how design can reduce carbon emissions. Other industry partners include Absolut Vodka, Bloomberg, Christian Dior, GlaxoSmithKline, Microsoft and Nespresso.


Designed by CSM graduate Antony Joseph

Jeremy Till, Pro Vice-Chancellor of UAL and Head of Central Saint Martins, said:

“A big emphasis for students on these courses is on learning to ask better questions and recognise better answers. We want to nurture professionals who can rethink what individuals and companies want to achieve and how they can achieve it, and who can generate innovation rather than simply anticipating and planning for it. Industry partners want to work with us because it’s exactly that approach that keeps them ahead of the curve.”

Graduates from the courses include Bill Moggridge, who designed the first portable computer, Douglas Scott, responsible for the style of London’s iconic Routemaster bus, and Paul Priestman and Nigel Goode, who have worked with Virgin Atlantic and Virgin Trains, and are now focused on designing a concept capsule for World View that will take passengers on balloon flights to the edge of the earth.

Current student projects include the Metabin designed by MA Industrial Design student Fernanda Costa, a small-scale home anaerobic digester that can ‘eat’ household waste such as food and cardboard and transform it into energy. She now works as Industrial Designer at start-up Loowatt, a waterless toilet system that turns human waste into energy and fertiliser.

Ten Royal Designers for Industry for product or industrial design are UAL graduates, over half the awards for this subject area.


投稿者 unicon : 2014年03月12日 09:54

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